
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rules for Writing

Read this article in The New York Times How to Write

Questions to consider:  Which of these rules seem important to you?  Did you learn anything new?  Do we need rules for writing?   

Sure, it's extra credit.  Read the article.  Answer the questions. Make sure your responses provide evidence that you actually read the article (quote it!).  Due by Friday, 9/28

ps - If you comment here, you will get extra credit at the end of the quarter for blog participation, but you will only receive extra credit for this separate assignment if you turn in a separate response as described above.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Flipped Lesson: Grabbers and Clinchers

What's a flipped lesson?  It's a form of teaching that allows us to spend more time actually practicing skills in the classroom instead of lecturing.  For this lesson, you are going to watch a video presentation which reviews the concept of Grabbers and Clinchers. (This is a review because you all learned about Grabbers and Clinchers last year.)  Make sure you have a piece of paper to take some notes or jot down any questions you want to ask in class tomorrow.

The handout of the presentation is posted on the website.

Disclaimer:  This is my very first flipped video. Be kind!

Please, feel free to comment or ask questions below; I'll respond!