
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tips for Ultimate Success on Team 806

It's that time of the year when I ask you guys to give words of wisdom to the seventh graders who will grace Team 806 with their intelligence next year.

What bit of advice will you give them to reach ultimate success in 8th grade?

Maybe something general that applies to the whole team?

Perhaps something more specific?

Go ahead, graduates, give them your advice!


  1. You should always remember to have all your classes notes, assignments, and assessments because you never know when they might ask for all your papers to see if your organized.

    Always and I mean ALWAYS have paper if you don't, your on your own.

    Use transitional words in your writing to better enhance your essay.

    Never use dead words you'll regret it if you do.

    In Mr. Bryant's class always finish the work because if not you'll have a hard time in his class.

    Always take notes in Mr. wittrock's class because he will get annoyed if your not.

    Study days before a test or quiz because they will catch by surprise sometimes.


    LA period: 4
    Carlos T.

    1. Wrong your/you're, lol

      LA Period 1
      Felipe Shiwa

    2. Well, if we're being picky, you wrote "EIGHT GRADE" instead of "EIGHTH GRADE." Also, you're not supposed to use commas before "because." I just realized that you've used "your" instead of "you're" three times already...

  2. To be successful in 8th grade, you have to be proactive and always work ahead. This applies to every single class varying from Spanish to Language Arts. Many tests in 8th grade are generally much harder than those in 7th grade, and require a lot of studying, especially in US History. Although there are many other tips to be successful in 8th grade, you will perform well if you follow the tips.

  3. Mrs. Powers = The teacher that will be the most organized. Timely, well-managed, and up-to-date. You can trust her, but remember that she is a busy woman.
    Mr. Bryant = Well-meaning, sometimes funny, History Teacher. He's a nice guy, but you will have to write a LOT in his class. Most of the essays are for general length and a few key words, but you should still do the assignment.
    Mr. Wittrock: He. Is. The. Funny. One. As long as you don't talk too much, you'll be golden! He's a hilarious guy, makes a lot of jokes. In the end, the lesson gets completed and the class clown hopefully gets laughed at. Don't chew gum in there, though. He WILL know.

  4. To be successful in team 806, you have to be organized and pay attention to everything. Always have the supplies you need so you don't miss out on anything. You always need a piece of paper for Bryant's class, a notebook or paper for Wittrock, and your binder for Powers. Be on time to class because some teacher(Bryant) start as soon as they see more than half of the students there. For Bryant you need to pay a lot of attention because his tests are very specific questions. Be respectful to all your teachers because that way they will respect you too. If you always follow instructions you will be fine throughout the year. :) Also, remember to PARTICIPATE! Teachers always love participation!!and it helps them remember your name, if they don't remember your name don't be offended they will learn it eventually(hopefully :P) Lastly, for Mrs. Powers ALWAYS use proper grammar and punctuation!!
    Cristina Q P.2

  5. Do NOT, do NOT do your homework for Powers the day of or day before, you have no chance of getting a good grade unless you're incredibly amazing. I would say the same for Mr. Bryant's class, but you have no chance if you're trying to do the homework the night before or the day of.
    POWERS - Amazing teacher, amazing class. If you are a good writer you will go above and beyond in this class; lots of essays. If you are a not-so-good writer you will improve yourself and become the best of the best.
    BRYANT - Also an amazing teacher. I personally love history so this class was great. Mr. Bryant is really funny and has an awesome teaching method... but he might not know your name until the end of the year. You will learn so much and learn the Cornell way of notes. Both Mr. Bryant and Mrs. Powers assign a lot and are the best teachers I have ever had; they also keep your binder with them all year which is AWESOME!
    WITTROCK - Learn a lot in his class. He uses the discovery method of teaching. If you don't understand you can ask him and he will help you. Personally, this is my worst class... then again I'm a terrible test taker so I freak out. Make sure to always have a notebook and flip it open as soon as you get into class.

    Rachel G. P.1

  6. Dear future eighth graders,

    Okay, you want to reach the ultimate success in 8th grade?

    First tip: Don't give up.
    I've seen so many of my friends give up after they think an 'A' is unreachable. You have to keep on striving towards your goals and don't ever think about quitting. This applies to any goal. However, don't try to set your goals too high. After all, the success rate will be higher with more easily achieved goals, right? Aiming high is a positive thing, don't get me wrong, but if you want to succeed, always set goals that you can achieve.

    Second tip: ALWAYS DO HW!!!
    In 8th grade, homework is an important part of your three main classes. Missing out on homework can cost you your A, or your B, or (for those overachievers) your 100%. Especially since throughout the year, there are those busy patches where you have multiple homework assignments a day. Another tip that relates to HW and projects, etc. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! I mean, if you're a procrastinator, you're in good company, but it doesn't help much when you have to stay up until 2:00 in the morning finishing up your 3-page essay for Mr. Bryant.

    Third tip: Be respectful.
    This is especially important. And some of you wonder why teachers don't like you. Well, just remember proper classroom etiquette. Raise your hand to talk, listen to the teacher, etc. Also, having a substitute does not mean that it's party time. I'm sorry to say that I think a few of the substitutes this year will be scarred for life. Four words: Harlem Shake Classroom Remake. Yay, it sort of rhymes. But the number of syllables is wrong... Anyway, another substitute left a note that said she was afraid of our behavior. Remember: Do to others how you would want them to do to you.

    Fourth Tip: Listen in class.
    I'm not talking about pretending to watch the teacher. To tell the truth, when you listen in class, it cuts down your study time. A lot. Listen in class and you can just study for 10 minutes and get the same 'A' that someone who studies for three hours gets. Also, listening in class gives you a chance to ask questions about topics you don't understand, while at home, you're on your own.

    Fifth Tip: Be boring.
    Teachers like boring kids, don't they?

    Sixth Tip: Completely disregard the fifth tip.
    Teachers like fun kids! Believe it or not, teachers used to be kids themselves at one time. I'm not referring to crazy fun, though. There are plenty of times in the year for that outside of the classroom. But while it's a teacher's job to teach you guys, they want to see you have fun along the way. You won't be able to achieve success when you're doing something that you hate. Therefore, there's only one solution: Make school into something you enjoy! Eighth grade is all about creating memories with the special people in your life. So have fun next year! Promise me you guys will.

    Make me proud, guys! :)

    Your friend,
    Angela Liu, P.6

    P.S. If for the end of the year Holocaust novel, you pick "The Book Thief," then remember: Liesel does NOT pick "Mein Kampf" from the ashes. Just a minor detail. By the way, I recommend that book. It gives an interesting perspective of the Holocaust from Death's point of view.

    P.P.S. I'm going to miss you guys! :) Good luck next year, soon-to-be eighth graders! :D

    8th grade is extremely different than 7th; the teachers are more serious and there is also much more work. We learn more and we also meet new people. You HAVE TO pay attention in class or you WILL be completely lost, and a huge pet peeves for every teacher in 806 is when you talk to much.

    Wittrock-The name says it all. He sometimes tells you a funny story that happened to him and uses the dreaded process of "self-teaching". Basically, you just need to pay attention in class and take A LOT of notes. Don't talk too much or too loudly because he uses this really loud whistle...his class is really fun to be in and he likes to joke around. Witty's tests start getting harder has the school year progresses. Don't be afraid to ask questions and the labs are always interesting. We move quickly, so by the end of the 2nd quarter you will probably be done with the tearable textbook. Ask Witty for the CD to the yellow textbook so you can use it at home, it really helps especially towards the end of the year since he teaches from it.
    Powers-We honestly learn so much in that class. She makes it really easy when she teaches from Springboard. Once in a while, we have to present something and we watch movies that relate to what we are learning. We write plenty of essays and have many vocabulary words. Not long after you've been in her class, you start to develop a strange 6th sense for detecting dead words (or at least in my case). We work in groups/partners most of the time, so as a result we gain new friends.
    Bryant-Hilarious history teacher. His tests are very hard and you have to make sure you understand and pay attention in his class. He makes American history fun, and sometimes likes to kid around with the class. He's a HUGE Swiftie, and creates clever headings for our work like "Story of US". Speaking of that, ALWAYS write the title and date and be sure to number your paper for his class! We have a lot of classwork, and study off of the blue textbook most of the time. Before a test I suggest you ask him if you can take a blue textbook home.

    Since it will be your last year in middle school, have as much fun as you possibly can and try your best. Good luck!

    Michelle Wu P.3

    1. Very is a dead word, Michelle. Do not do that future 8th graders!
      Kyle M. Scott Period 3

    2. Sorry my bad :P
      Michelle Wu P.3

      Ps. Being a responsible 8th grader and learning from my mistakes, I proofread the phrase I just wrote and realized I used another dead word. (sorry Mrs.Powers!) lol

    3. Gasp! Michelle! Using two dead words in one phrase? Unbelievable! I'm ashamed! By the way, how long exactly is one phrase...? Dictionary time!

      phrase [freyz] Show IPA noun, verb, phrased, phras·ing.
      1. Grammar .
      a. a sequence of two or more words arranged in a grammatical construction and acting as a unit in a sentence.
      b.(in English) a sequence of two or more words that does not contain a finite verb and its subject or that does not consist of clause elements such as subject, verb, object, or complement, as a preposition and a noun or pronoun, an adjective and noun, or an adverb and verb.

      2. Rhetoric . a word or group of spoken words that the mind focuses on momentarily as a meaningful unit and is preceded and followed by pauses.

      3. a characteristic, current, or proverbial expression: a hackneyed phrase.

      4. Music. a division of a composition, commonly a passage of four or eight measures, forming part of a period.

      5. a way of speaking, mode of expression, or phraseology: a book written in the phrase of the West.

      How interesting... So apparently, a phrase has at least two words... So, Michelle might have used two dead words in a phrase consisting of two words. For ex: "Very good." Two dead words. At least it's a positive message, though. And I just realized that Michelle just used the dead word "bad." Shame, Michelle. :P :D Haha, okay... I love ellipses, don't you? I prefer to call it "dot, dot, dot," but no matter. You know, we all used a bunch of dead words. I bet most of us included "Good luck" in our paragraphs. It's just that "Fantastic luck" or "Great luck" don't sound that normal. Not that we are 'that normal.' Anyway, I wish all you to-be eighth graders phenomenal luck next year!

  8. Dear incoming 8th Graders,
    Survival in the eight grade is probably one of the easiest things to do. For one, you're at the top of the school; own it! You've worked your way through being picked on,the jungle of portables, and the hope that one day you will rule the school. Well, now you do! Not only is 8th grade just a blast, if you have Mrs. Powers, it's even better! She is honestly the greatest teacher I have EVER had. Like EVER. Make sure you put your all into all of your classwork because this year is when academics get harder. Pay attention in class (even though it gets much harder to), stay focused, and always believe in yourself. Eight grade is filled with fantastic "adventures"....and by "adventures" I mean changes. You're growing up into a mature, responsible teen and everyone around you is changing. Be sure to keep your head up high and to always have confidence in yourself, despite the crazy things going on at this age (relationships, bullying, stress etc). You've made it this far, don't back down now. You're one step closer to high school! Well, I hope my words of teenage wisdom help :)

    Yours truly,

    Sterling Alexa "The Wert" Wertanzl (Sterling Wertanzl)

    PS: IF YOU'RE TAKING DEBATE, may the force be with you...

  9. Hello future 8th graders of Falcon Cove! There are a few things I would like to tell you to succeed in the 8th grade.
    Let's start with Mrs. Powers class. First of all, I dearly hope you love to write because you will be seeing a lot of it next year. You also need to make sure you learn what a dead word is as quick as possible. Please NEVER use them! Also, we learn a lot in this class, so just be prepared! Finally, Mrs. Powers is a great teacher, but don't get on her bad side. 3rd period, you know what I mean!
    Mr. Bryant: Oh boy. You need to be prepared to take the most notes you have ever done in your entire life. It is truly crazy. Plus, when you get annoyed with taking all these notes, just calm down and do it. If you don't, you WILL fail the tests. They are quite difficult, so please study real hard and do all the work. TRUST ME! Other than this, Mr. Byrant is probably the chillest teacher I have ever had, so I know you will like him.
    Wittrock: Well, Witrock is a strange man, but in a good way. He can always crack a joke, and he WILL make you laugh. The key to his class though is to make sure you take those notes. The way the book ends up being at the end of the year, notes are your best bet. In my opinion, his tests are pretty easy, but don't underestimate his class.
    You are now prepared for 8th gtade!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!
    Kyle M. Scott Period 3

    1. The third sentence should be 'Let's start with Mrs.Powers's class'. 'A lot' is a dead word. Is 'chillest' even a word? You spelled 'Wittrock' and 'grade' wrong.

      I guess we're even now,

      Michelle Wu P.3

    2. You know what Michelle? I was typing fast...
      Kyle M. Scott Period 3

    3. You guys are so funny lol.

    4. Just adding on, I thought this was supposed to be more inspirational... " WILL fail the tests." How motivating. Taking notes is pretty important, though. Just remember for Mr. Bryant: Never try to cheat him on the notes. If he says 3 pages and you give him 2 and 1/2, he just glances at it and says "B."

    5. Well... I'm not techniquely lying. If you don't study, you will not be happy. If you study, you will be just fine. I'm giving my own truthful advice. I apologize for upsetting you, Angela.
      Kyle M. Scott Period 3

    6. Hahaha. You have a lying technique? Or do you mean that you're technically not lying? And you don't have to study that much. Just listen in class. Haha, and I never said that I was upset. Why do you keep adding your name and period to the end? You do realize that she can see your name at the top, right? Although, what does the M stand for?

    7. Why not?
      Kyle M.(atthew) Scott Period 3

    8. Well, don't you get tired of having to type your name all the time? Why not just be lazy and not type it? Or, you could always just type "Period 3." Or, if you're feeling slightly lazy "P.3." Or, if you feeling relatively lazy ". 3." Or, if you're feeling as lazy as me right now, don't type anything at all.

  10. To be successful in 8th grade in team 806, there are many things that you need to do. You must stay organized, have great time-management, never save anything for the last minute, and pay attention in class. Here are a few things you would want to know about each individual class:
    Mr. Bryant: He is a really funny guy, and knows what he is talking about. He teaches the material with many different methods, and you will take the most notes you have ever taken in your entire life! His tests are extremely hard, but if you pay attention and find good study methods, they will gradually get easier. Also, when you study, look at headlines, they truly help.
    Mr. Wittrock: He is extremely sarcastic, so if he says something offensive to you, do NOT take it seriously. Also, pay attention in his class, take detailed notes, and try to understand each concept extremely well because if not, his class will be much more difficult. Also, there are not that many grades in that class, so everything that you complete in his class, do it with all of your effort and try your hardest.
    Mrs. Powers: If you love to write, then you will LOVE this class. You write almost everyday, but in the end it is worth it because your writing abilities will strive and you'll be a much better writer. She is a fantastic teacher, but make sure you turn in all of your assignments, because one zero can affect your whole grade! Honestly, this class can be extremely difficult or extremely easy, it all depends on you!!
    I hope this helped you for next year!! I wish you the best of luck!!

    Alexis Sobel , period 5

  11. Okey so 8th grade with the gifted team will probly be the most fun you will have in the three years you were at falcon! I had Bryant first period and he always made my day. Bryants class takes a lot of work but you will definitely leave with a lot more knowledge than you came with. Make sure you know how to take notes and talk about Taylor swift.haha. Wittrock is a good teacher and is funny but sometimes his jokes can be mean so you just have to get use to him but you will enjoy his class. Powers is probly the class that I learned the most in she is an amazing l.a. Teacher and will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about writing non of you will get lower than a 4 on the fcat writes! She is that good but be prepared to write many essays. Mrs.powers is a mom and gets us kids and is a nice fun teacher to have! For my words of wisdom: have fun and enjoy the last year you have at falcon because once the end of the year is here your done with falcon forever!! Have fun and get to know your teachers because once you know them you will love them more and just as much as I do!

  12. Keep it "Low Maintenance" future students. Also, sometimes you will think you have the most work in the world, but that's not entirely true. In other words, don't give up when it gets hard. Perseverance is key to success. Good Luck !

  13. Powers-Pay attention and you will become such a better writer
    Bryant- Take good notes and pay attention to videos.

    1. Wow, Eli. Thanks for elaborating. Anyway, just curious... What's your math grade? And please don't tell me it's a 100% or above...

  14. Future 8th graders should learn low maintenance. Throughout the year this is how one must learn how to work and operate. For Mrs. Powers class be sure to pay attention. If this is done your writing ability will increase drastically. For the rest of the team, be sure to study, do homework, and stay on task. The best advice I can offer for a smooth 8th grade year is not to procrastinate.

  15. Welcome incoming eighth graders! Team 806 is full of amazing teachers, and I'm sure you'll have a good year. The most important thing to know, and what caught me by surprise, is that eighth grade is NOT like seventh and eighth. I got straight "A's" and flew through sixth and seventh. I came into eighth expecting to do the same, but I was hit with a rude awakening. As soon as you start your first day of eighth grade, your teachers are training you for high school. That being said, take good notes, keep them orderly, do all your work, and you'll be ready for high school in no time. Good luck!

    Dylan E. - P.4

  16. Dear little eighth graders,

    The tip to surviving this year is easy. Do not procrastinate! You will love all of the Gifted team and see how fun it is to actually learn. Seems incredulous, right? Actually, it's the truth. You have the best year of middle school ahead of you. As long as you don't procrastinate, you'll have a blast. Good luck.


    Martin M. Period 3
    President of the Republic of Oboes.

    1. Wow, how kind, Oh Great Martin, President of the Mighty Republic of the Oboes. I doubt they'll appreciate being called "little." And yes, I am speaking from personal experience. Anyway, what happened to the Commonwealth of Neutral Nations?

  17. To be successful you have to try. As simple as that. No, "Oh I couldn't study because of my hobby" You HAVE to try. Study hard and complete your tasks. Pay attention in class. That is all.
    Gianfranco de Castro

  18. To be successful, one must be organized, focused, and have organized priorities. Also, never giving up is a must. You will never accomplish anything in life if you don't keep your mind set on it and have perseverance.

  19. To all of the incoming 8th graders:
    I'd first like to congratulate you for making it this far! You have survived 2/3 of the "gruesome" middle school years, and should now prepare for the best year of it all. To relieve your stress, 8th grade is absolutely amazing. You will all make hundreds of new friends, learn a ton of information, and enjoy ruling the school. Below you can find some useful tips sorted into your future teachers.

    Mrs. Powers- She will most likely teach you more than you've ever thought was possible. If you enjoy writing, you will enjoy every second of this class. If you do not, Mrs. Powers will find a way to make you enjoy it. For this class, make sure that you are always saving the assignments that you receive and keep everything in order. Whenever Mrs. Powers is talking, be sure to pay attention and maintain eye contact; you will not be on her good side if you talk while she's talking. Apart from that, I'm sure that you'll look forward to her class.

    Mr. Bryant: Before I begin, I'd like to reflect on my own experience as a 7th grader. Whenever I would walk into his room to deliver a piece of paper or to run an errand, I would be intimidated by how his walls were packed with different documents and magazines. As I write this, I cannot help but realize that most of you have probably felt the same way. For those students, please do not be intimidated! Mr. Bryant might just be the funniest, most interesting teacher you will ever meet. If you are one of those students that completely despises History, he will find a way to make it intriguing and memorable. For his class, ALWAYS save your assignments. If you start ordering them all from the beginning, the end result will prove to be a lot better than those who procrastinate with the final Binder Check. Not only that, but Mr. Bryant becomes extremely annoyed when a student says "what." Do NOT say "what!" As long as you avoid that simple word, you will adore his class.

    Mr. Wittrock- He is the teacher that is always cracking jokes. If you like science, join the Science Bowl team! You not only get a chance to practice your Science skills with Mr. Wittrock, but you can also win a free trip to Washington! I strongly recommend it. While in his class, NEVER chew gum. He has this mysterious trait where he always knows who is chewing gum, and he will catch you! Regarding his jokes, always laugh at them, even if they are not funny. That will definitely put you on his good side, which will then lead to an enjoyable class.

    I wish you all the best of luck in the coming year and I hope that you enjoy 8th grade as much as I did. :)

    -Camila Tussie
    Pd. 2

  20. No homework is enough homework because practice makes perfect. Low maintenance so that you aren't shunned by your teachers. Keep a close circle in order to not be tempted into anything stupid or irrational. Don't ask stupid questions and when anyone asks a stupid questions, comment, "What a Daniel!"
    -Gian I. Period 4

  21. Dear future eighth graders,
    Good luck next year! You should always be low maintenance in class. When you are not in class, you must check the teacher's websites so that you do not fall behind and get marked off. Also, do not ask stupid questions. If you can figure it out on your own, do not ask the teachers because some of them will not answer you.

    When there is an option, go above and beyond of what you are told to do. The teachers make you do work for a reason. Whether notes for a test or just answering questions, the more work done, the better.

    Always bring a jacket! If the air conditioning is anything like it was this year, you might want to bring a jacket everyday. Everyday the temperature is different in all of the classes. One day, Spanish class might be like walking into a ice berg, and the net day the air might be like a hot sweaty gym.

    Do not procrastinate. Most of the work in class and at home takes time. You should not wait until the last moment to do the work because it will be messy and it will not good work.

    Good luck,
    Jordan Kron
    period 5

  22. Dear future eighth graders,

    Make sure to always try your hardest in every assignment that you complete and always study and do your homework. You have no idea how one assignment can affect your overall grade. It is also important to keep all your notes and assignments organized in a binder because you never know when you will need to refer back to those pages or if you will have a binder check. Constantly check Pinnacle in order to keep track of your grades and to see if you are missing an assignment. Good luck, future eighth graders!

    Michelle Nguyen
    Period 5

  23. Dear future eighth graders (Team 806):
    Here are some suggestions about how to strive to be your best in Team 806. First off, bring a large binder for both American History and Language Arts.
    In Mr. Bryant's class, be sure to pay attention and take detailed notes. Make sure that you keep all of your notes, this will come in handy for exams. Also, he is a huge fan of Taylor Swift. In Mrs. Powers' class, pay attention and check her websites every day. This may help for "surprise" spelling quizzes. She will teach you to become a better writer and you will see your writing improve as the year progresses. For Mr. Whitrock's class, take detailed notes. Never talk when he is talking or he will yell at you. He is sarcastic and he may make fun of you, make sure you laugh it off.
    Good next year, I wish you all the best!
    Morgan C.
    Period 2

  24. Welcome incoming Eighth graders!!!! I know that you guys will do well because you have made it this far. Don't think that since you made it this far, you won't have to try. You will have to work hard in order to get good grades. The entire team 806 teachers are kind and willing to help.You are going to have to know a lot of rules in order to succeed in 8th grade. Just follow these very important tips.

    1. always check the websites and start you assignments before the teacher even talks about. This way you will be a step ahead and will have an extra day to check and re read you work

    2. Mr. Bryant will talk to himself and make mental notes. Just act like you did not hear anything. Be prepared to take plenty of video notes. Personally, I liked it but there are people who don't.

    3. In Mr. Wittrock's class do not talk while he is talking or he will yell and scream. He will give you and your fellow peers nicknames. EX: Sheepdog, Moonbeam, and starlight.

    4. Always take notes in Mr. Wittrocks class and write your homework down on your agenda because his page is never updated. There is nothing on their. Mr. Wittrock teaches very well but his tests are extremely hard, so study from the beautiful notes that you took in his class.

    5. BE RESPECTFUL.... No teacher likes it when a child talks back.

    6. Do not procrastinate for any class.

    7. DO YOUR HOMEWORK... You are not a movie star, you can do it.

    8. Listen to everything Mrs. Powers says, she will teach you to be a better writer. SHE ACTUALLY HAS POWERS. The power to make you a better writer.

    I wish you guys the best of luck, especially Andrew Kim and Matt Biggerman.

    Alfonso Moore

  25. Hello there incoming eighth graders! You’re probably thinking that this is all just made up jokes from aggravating high school students. You might be right. In reality, these tips provided by myself and my peers will prove invaluable if you want decent grades and good relationships with your teachers.

    The one thing to focus on is just being you, even around adults. Mr. Bryant, Mrs. Powers, and Mr. Wittrock all appreciate someone who has a spunky personality and is not afraid to show it. Raise your hand in class! Answer questions! Don’t be afraid to ask questions! On top of everything, always listen when the teachers are talking. That will minimize the number of embarrassing questions you ask.

    Eighth grade is fun, but it’s a completely different ball game than seventh grade.

    To put it more bluntly: Be prepared. Here are a few tips to succeed as the newest additions to the Gifted 806 Team. Welcome aboard!

    For Mr. Bryant’s class:

    -Always have at least two pieces of paper for his class per day (there are endless video notes).

    -Do NOT try to understand or even read his handwriting. Ask for clarification of any illegible words when necessary, he won’t mind.

    -You will probably feel overwhelmed by all the details he will give you of each event he teaches. Relax, focus on the main “phrase” he gives for each topic, and try to see the bigger picture in his stories.

    -Above all else, do NOT calm his “Mr. Brybry.” It irritates him and you will be put out of the classroom like a dog that peed on his carpet. (He loves dogs.)

    For Mr. Wittrock’s class:

    -If you follow normal school rules, you should be fine. No gum, no food, no drinks, no talking, no getting up out of your seat. No breathing, no thinking, no blinking, no sleeping, etc. If you think about doing it, you probably should not do it. 

    For Mrs. Powers class:

    -Thank her every day before you leave class. She works hard and deserves our appreciation. Keep all your assignments in order.

    -Assess yourself as a writer constantly, making personal notes for self-improvement as you go through the year.

    -Listen to what Mrs. Powers says. She knows how to turn even the worst writer into a young Shakespeare!
    Use these simple tips and have loads of fun along the journey!

    Period 5
    Antares Tobelem


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