
Monday, February 11, 2013

Writing Element: Conventions

Welcome to the final week of our review of the four writing elements.  Each week, you will be assessed on the specific element reviewed by completing a timed essay assessment similar to FCAT Writing. Fun!!

There are four writing elements which make-up the criteria for how writers are assessed. These elements include: focus, organization, support, and conventions.  Three weeks ago, we reviewed the element of focus.  Two weeks ago, we reviewed the element of organization. Last week, we reviewed the writing element of support.  This week, we will review the writing element of conventions.

The element of conventions is all the basic writing skills you have learned and practice since elementary school!!  For some of you this is the most difficult of all the four elements.  The best advice I can give you is that you must edit your writing. You can do this.

Get ready to "Write On!" this week.   

Take a look at this video presentation.  I also emailed everyone a pdf copy of the presentation as well as some additional information.  As always, feel free to post or email any questions or comments.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Writing Element: Support

Welcome to week number three of our review of the four writing elements.  Each week, you will be assessed on the specific element reviewed by completing a timed essay assessment similar to FCAT Writing. Fun!!

There are four writing elements which make-up the criteria for how writers are assessed. These elements include: focus, organization, support, and conventions.  Two weeks ago, we reviewed the element of focus.  Last week, we reviewed the element of organization. This week, we will review the writing element of support.

The element of support builds upon the skills which were assessed during the last two weeks.  You will notice how the same skills you have been practicing will be assessed within the writing element of support, and some new skills are added in.  The writing element of support is possibly the most difficult for many of you, but as I said on Friday, I have seen a dramatic improvement in this area in your class writing.  You can do this.

Get ready to "Write On!" this week.  

Take a look at this video presentation.  I also emailed everyone a pdf copy of the presentation as well as some additional information.  As always, feel free to post or email any questions or comments.