
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grammar Nerd: Less or Fewer?


  1. Maggie Meng P6
    This is also very hilarious and it shows that some adults either don't prewrite or know their grammar. This is also not uncommon since there are also examples of this bad grammar on the previous video and also many other grammar mistakes in signs in shops, rodes, and cans.

  2. I just realized the two people in the video are Weird Al Yankovic. Never knew he was serious about grammar. If everybody was like him...

    -Alex Israel

  3. This was especially funny to me because in our class we had a huge discussion of fewer vs. less. (Fewer is for things that can be numbered, less is for abstract things!) It's surprising to learn that even adults who've graduated from college make silly mistakes like this and no one's caught it yet, even in a public place like the grocery store. Gotta love those grammar nerds... :)

    Mira Merchant
    Period 3

  4. Dear Mira,

    There are many adults out there who make grammar mistakes and have also graduated from college. It's normal. There are also many ignorant adults out there, but most of us have known that from an early age. (I say "ignorant" so as not to say "dumb" or "stupid.")If you think about it, the only reason those gramatically-incorrect signs are still up is that not enough people pointed this mistake out to the owners of the supermarket. Thereby, the fault lies not only on the maker of the sign but on the supermarket consumers who either do not notice the mistake or do not care.

    Also, it is my personal belief that grammar mistakes are sometimes difficult to spot due to the differences between the way we speak and the way we write. Plus, it's easier to find mistakes if you're actually looking for them. Most people are not looking to identify grammar mistakes at a grocery store. Same idea applies to driving.

    Just a couple of thoughts that crossed my mind.

    Yours in agreement about loving grammar nerds,
    ~Caterina Golner
    Period 2

    PS- Did Maggie mean "rodeos" or "roads" when she wrote "rodes" up there?

  5. Here's a question to all:

    Are my comments to long?

    I notice that they're usually at least twice the size of most comments, so I was just wondering if they're ever a nuisance to read.

    ~Caterina Golner
    Period 2

  6. Well, I think that this video is quite funny. Also, the video proves that a lot of people, even adults, neglect grammar. My mom didn't even know that there was a difference between fewer and less. Overall, this video shows that everywhere people forget their grammar conventions.
    Kevin S. Period 5

  7. Dear Cat,

    1. I think Maggie meant roads. I meant to point that out earlier, but OOPS! Forgot to proofread...

    2. It's almost annoying when you see this, because we, as gifted students, know grammar and how important it is! Even in a book I read a while back, there was a sign "CAUTION SLOW KIDS AT PLAY" and the narrator got so fed up with it, that she put a ":" after the Caution, so as for people not to think the children are slow (as in dumb). At least grownups should realize they're setting a bad example to children in schools!

    3. I actually like reading your comments. Unlike a lot of other people who just write quick 3-liners, you always express your opinion nicely, and I find it really interesting. :)


  8. Dear Mira,
    Quality over Quantity, as they say!

    Not really grammar, but just a funny misspelling:

    And my mom has this Disney shirt from Snow White that says, "Who's the fairest one of them all?"

    -Rodolfo H. Period 4

  9. I find it interesting that so many people have read the "15 items or less" sign, and not noticed the incorrect grammar. However, I have to admit that I wouldn't have noticed it either. To me, "15 items or less" sounds better than "15 items or fewer", even though I know that the latter is the correct way to say it.

    Yuval S.
    Period 3

  10. You guys are so SERIOUS. It's just FUNNY! No?

  11. Ryan Greenberg P6

    HAHA! This is hilarious! I have seen this a couple times and it is crazy how grown adults can make these mistakes! Although it is an honest mistake, sometimes you just forget!

  12. Hi Mrs. Powers,

    Haha! This is funny. I never realized that those signs in stores were gramatically incorrect. I think it is crazy how people, even adults can make careless mistakes like this. I mean we have all been shopping and seen that sign, and i guess I never really noticed it.

    Meredith Sheldon

  13. I like this video, it's funny! It shows that even as adults, people make mistakes. I mean, we weren't born perfect and we never will be. You guys need to relax and stop scrutinizing people. Mrs.Powers is right, you guys are totally serious about this,it is just meant as a funny video. This video is used perfectly to raise awareness of the importance of grammar. And Ryan, you are's just an honest mistake. Also, Alex you are totally amazing because you noticed Weird Al, which only makes the video better and funnier, in my opinion.

    Juana D.-P.5

  14. This is funny! I can't believe that there would be a mistake like that at a store. I realized that people don't proofread, even on little things, and that the owner or maker of this sign did not realize this mistake.

    Haydee F.
    Period 5

  15. Okay, I know its late but to Cat and Mira, i meant roads. Cat your comments are pretty long but thats a good thing, i think.
    Maggie Meng P.6

  16. Another issue in grammar is capitlization ('i' really Maggie jk). Many adults though don't understand how important some these things are, now that we are seeing thins it just goes to show that some people just dont know. I think that the people that wrote the sighn though didn't proofread or anything because in most stors that is wheat it says '15 items or less' =( .

    Evan Harber p.5

  17. That was pretty funny too! I doubt that many people would have noticed that grammatical error. I think that most people would have thought that it was fine. I only noticed it because of the title of the video! I am sure that I am not the only one who is still a little confused on when to use each of those words. To use fewer or less... that is the question. What's the answer?

    Christal Hector
    Period 3

  18. I'm sure hardly anyone else noticed that grammar mistake. In my essays I sometimes make this mistake.

    -Kayla Mooodie Pd.3

  19. Haha this was funny!! I wouldn't have noticed this, to be honest. I agree with Yuval up there, "15 items or less" does sound better... it's probably because that's the way we speak everyday. I wish we all spoke in a grammatically acceptable way (sigh).

    -Isabel Hofmann, Pd.4

  20. Personally I think its really funny that someone would take the time to make a sign in order to fix some ones grammar mistake. There are a lot of grammar mistakes all over the world in stores and streets and almost anywhere any one can think of. Most people don't even take the time to think about the grammar mistakes of other people.
    Aina Rivas pd. 2


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