
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grammar Nerd: Use adverbs, people!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Maggie Meng P6
    Okay, I'm not sure if this was for entertainment or not, but this is very hilarious, and it just goes to show how some people are very serious about their grammar. However, I am wondering if what that guy is doing is allowed or not. Also, I am now thinking back and many signs on the rodes are like the one above. It also shows that this is not uncommon, since the guy in the video said that that sign was another one.

  3. Reminds me of "Inglorious Basterds." Am I Right?
    But on another note, is it even legal for him to put a sticker like that on the sign? Good thing no cops were around. It could be considered as destroying government property.

    -Alex Israel
    Per. 5

  4. If I were texting/chatting, right now, I'd be saying something along the lines of "LOL that is soooo funnyyyyyy :D" But since this is for a 8th grade gifted LA class, I'm going to have to go with "Wow, that is SO funny! Just the way in everyday life a (seemingly) random guy stops driving in order to add an -ly to a sign."

    Mira Merchant
    Period 3

  5. I thought this was so cute! It was pretty funny and it just comes to show how we have warped the English language into "what sounds right" and "compacting everything". Maybe we should be paying more attention to these little details, as it is technically incorrect.
    -Diana Sanchez

  6. Okay, this video didn't really make me laugh, but it did make me smile. :) My brother was watching it with me, and he didn't understand what the point was of adding "ly" to "slow."

    I hear people say stuff like this all the time, "I did so bad on that test."

    I'll say, "Ly," and the person will think that I'm referring to Mr. Lovely. I'll explain that "bad" is an adjective and not and adverb, and the person will look at me as if I have an arm sticking out of my head. My friends, who are used to it by now, just sigh and glance over me wearily, as if they've lost all hope of me ever becoming normal. Oh well.

    Still, it's nice to see that people notice stuff like that and even take steps to point it out. :)

    ~Caterina Golner
    Period 2

  7. This is just another stupid grammatical error. If adults keep ignoring grammar like the people do in this video, than everything will be grammatically incorrect. I might be exaggerating, but this is an intense issue. The bottom line is that people should pay more attention to grammar.
    Kevin S. Period 5

  8. This guy is a public nuisance...

    I know this is probably for entertainment, but there's no need to show your grammatical intelligence in public. Really, no one cares, and no one likes a big show-off.

    -Rodolfo H. Period 4

  9. First of all, I bet that if any government official would see this video or any other of "Weird Al" Yankovic's videos, they would realizes their mistakes and correct them.

    I also think that if a government official does see this video, he/she will arrest and/or fine Yankovic with tampering with government property.

    On the other hand, they might have written it grammatically incorrect so they could fit the word on a diamond shaped sign.

    I guess we'll never know...

    Yuval S.
    Period 3

  10. You guys are so SERIOUS. It's just FUNNY! No?

  11. Woah! Is that Weird Al Yankovick? Haha! Like I said on the other grammar video, some people just do not think when making things. It is like they didn't go to school and don't take pride in their work. Unfortunately, it seems that more people are uneducated than educated...

    Ryan Greenberg P6

  12. Haha! Just like the other video, people make careless mistakes. I guess no one ever realizes them.. well this guy does. I wonder if these grammar videos become more popular then everything will be checked for grammar before being published.

    Meredith Sheldon

  13. I find it funny that someone would stop and add and "ly" to a sign on the street. I correct people when they talk, but I am not that grammar conscious to do something like that.

    Haydee F.
    Period 5

  14. When I watched this video I seriously started cracking up! This just shows how lazy people are, but I wouldn't go that far to stick letters onto a sign. I mean if I saw that guy doing it, it would be kind of creepy. Nevertheless, I get where he's coming from. So, people, check your grammar!

    Andrea De Abreu

  15. That really funny! It reminds me of a sign on my aunts street that reads: SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING, but because it does not have the comma it makes it seem like the sign is warning you that dim-witted children are playing and that you should be cautious. Little thing like that really amuse me for some reason, I wonder why? And besides, why should a driver care if an unintelligent child is playing? Just food for thought.

    Tyler Levinson Period 6

  16. I think that that is hilariouse nut is needed. Our government says that we need to be well edjucated but look at the sighns that are not spelled corectly. A;so I agree with Tyler's comment SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING is just saying that hey people look how stupid idrustried are giving us sighns that are grammaticly correct.

    Evan Harber p5

  17. I also find this extremely funny! On Sunday Morning, a news show that I watch, there was a segment on two "typo hunters." They have now written a book, so it's for more than just entertainment. This is the link to the video. Check it out!;lst;8
    It also answers the question that some of you have asked; no, it is not always legal! Keep grammatically correct, everyone!

    Lauren Goboff
    Period 3

  18. This was very funny. It's amazing how the people don't notice such big grammar mistakes. Especially, the person who makes the sign.

    -Kayla Moodie Pd.3

  19. This was really funny, I think people should notice more mistakes like that while they are driving. Now that I think about it there are a lot of mistakes like that on signs along the highway and streets.
    -Aina Rivas pd. 2


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