
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Grammar. It does matter. I swear.

Yes,  I know you hate grammar.  You hated Caught'yas, and now the punctuation formulas are getting a bit tiresome.  I know. I know. I know.

If only all of you could get when to use A, B, C noun instead of A, B, conj C.... maybe, then I would be happy.  Someone fails inevitably.

If only you understood what I understand.  One day, you will be the leaders, the bosses, the people in charge, and I don't want your employees laughing behind your back because you don't know when to use their, there, or they're.  I want your future employees to respect you because that will make you successful.  I want your success.  That makes me happy.

Trust me.  Later in life, it will really matter that you know this stuff. It will matter that you can write well and speak properly.  The best part is that you will do it naturally, so it won't even be work.

Read this article. Why is Grammar, Capitalization, and Spelling Important?.

My question to you:  Why do you think it's unimportant?


  1. LA-2, Erin Y

    Everyone has thought once in their lifetime during school. Why is this stuff important? When am I going to use this in my real life? I've always wondered why am I learning all this stuff about shapes in Geometry, why am I learning all this information about the Civil War in history? I've always gotten the same reply from every adult, "Your gonna need to know." Its true, I'm probably going to need to know. But truthfully, we are still teenagers. We still care about having fun, we still care about seeing our friends once in a while (aka. 24/7). We haven't experienced what's really going to happen when we grow up. As teenagers, we're probably going to think we know best for ourselves. Right now, it seems so unimportant, boring. At least, that's what I feel.

  2. Tara Bagherlee, Period 5
    Most kids this age say that grammar is unimportant. I, however, disagree. I feel as if someone who uses good grammar knows what they're doing. It gives off a sense of intelligence and I gain respect for people that use good grammar. Mixing up "your" and "you're" when you're applying for a position in the future does not give off a nice impression. I'm being completely honest when I say that grammar does mean a lot to me and I make sure that everything I type or say has good grammar. I'm not a stickler about it, but it does have a lot of value. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kayleigh W, Period 4
    I totally agree with you. I HATE when people mess up grammar: your/you're, there/their/they're, good/well, that/who/whom, a/an, and especially when people use an adjective instead of an adverb. "I did good on the test." Uh, no. You did WELL on the test. My family and friends always get annoyed when I nag them about using the proper word when they speak, but I wouldn't be able to talk to that person if they didn't fix it. The absolute worst is confusing your and you're. "I think your fantastic." You think my fantastic what? Improved? Thanks! It's you're. Alright, I'm done ranting, it just seriously bothers me when people mess up. :)

    1. I have to agree that I hate when people mess up like that, but you have to remember that you have to mess up a few times before you can actually learn the concept. If someone keeps messing up the same grammar concept, then it is truly annoying. Haven't you ever just wondered why you have to take so much time to learn all these concepts that won't really be important for a while? That's how I feel a lot but I do understand the importance of grammar.

  5. LA Period 1
    Leah P.

    Honestly, I just think that learning grammar is a waste of time. Kind of like riding a bike. Technically, you don't need to learn, but you waste time learning just to be able to say you can. I used to think grammar and spelling were those types of things that we would just adapt to and catch on to as we get older from watching others use proper grammar. I know now that learning it is really important but I still just think that all the time we take to learn new grammar concepts and practice them is kind of wasteful. Once you learn how do ride a bike, you don't continue going outside for hours each day to practice, you go every once in while to make sure you don't forget. I feel like that's what it should be like for this rather than writing essays and sentences using formulas everyday.

    1. Those formulas are vital in helping you developed varied sentence structure.

      Have you ever read an entire essay or story that is completely made up of sentences formulated by Subject-Verb-Object? No commas. No conjunctions. Nothing. It literally makes you feel as if you're reading the work of a seven year-old. I'm not joking.

      The formulas aren't intended to force you to write this way, but to subtly ease you into writing in a more dynamic style.

  6. Sydney Britton: Period 5
    Personally, I feel that grammar is extremely important (I assure you, I am not just saying this because I think it is what you want to hear). Since I could talk, my mother has pounded me with the rules of the English language; it is now second nature. However, I find practicing the sentence formulas to be extremely boring, yet I empathize with your frustration engendered by our lack of understanding.

  7. Michelle K, Period 5
    I agree with all three of my peers, truthfully. It's true that we are still young and all we care about is when the next party is or when we can get the latest, coolest clothes. But at the same time, we can still be teens AND use proper grammar. Like Kayleigh, it really irks me when people make silly mistakes such as writing 'your' instead or 'you're'. I especially get annoyed when people "type lyk dis". Most of the time, I don't even understand what they type. Are people seriously too lazy to type out a full word? However, even though I despise it when people mess up grammar, I got tired of Caught'yas and I'm kind of getting annoyed of sentence formulas. Hopefully I can just learn to live with them, especially if it will help other people with their grammar. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I couldn't open the article.

    However, I do feel that grammar is important. I just don't think the pressure to speak and write perfectly should be so great. We are fourteen, life is about making mistakes, and the pressure to be perfect is greater than it has ever been. Does it honestly matter if I say something wrong? Will I have fewer friends? Will my parents love me any less? No. Yes, it is important to learn these things, but to throw so much at kids who could not care less doesn't really seem effective to me. I think learning grammar is important, but I don't think it should be the constant memorization of rules and formulas. This is LA, not math.

    Learning should be challenging at times, but not an endless maze of confusion.

    Also, shouldn't the title be "why are" and not "why is?"

  10. Jordanne Cantrill Period 3

    It's not that students do not think that grammar is important, it's just that they think that it is unnecessary. For example, when a teen is speaking to another person, they are not really bothered about using correct grammar (even though they know the correct way to say something.) Also, many students do not see the importance or point in learning in depth details about grammar when only the basics seem to be a necessity. However, grammar is important.

  11. I believe grammar is extremely important. (Not saying this because you want to hear it). I believe that having proper grammar is a sign of intelligence. For years, my dad always pestered me about saying the word, "like" all the time. I didn't realize where he was coming from, but that he was extremely bothersome. Now I realize that saying "like" and "um" made me sound immature and unintelligent. Furthermore, having proper grammar is extremely important and will benefit you later in life. For example, you are interviewing for a college or a job, they expect that you know how to use correct grammar and use words in the proper format. If you don't know when to use "good" or "well" and you use it incorrectly, it could rub the interviewer the wrong way. One of my pet peeves is when people use "good" and "well" incorrectly! Sentence formulas I can admit, could get a little tiresome, but I understand where you are coming from because of the abundance of students who use them incorrectly all the time. Thus, grammar is extremely important and using it correctly will serve us well later in life. :)

    Danielle Bush Per. 5

  12. I think I'm exactly like Kayleigh when it comes to this. I cannot stand when people mess up your and you're. When it's an accident, that's fine. However, there are people who CONSTANTLY mess up your/you're/who/whom/good/well/there/their/they're. I constantly get "shushed" for fixing someone's grammar in a normal conversation, but come on, you're going to get used to making those mistakes if you don't fix them. My dad, as a business owner, has always put a huge emphasis on grammar and spelling. He's told me countless times about people he has fired because they misspell basic words in important documents. Also, being trilingual, I know the importance of proper grammar and spelling because even if you're fluent, you look like an idiot by saying/writing the incorrect tenses/words/punctuation. Anyway, I'm going to stop this rant now. All in all, grammar is important. Deal with it.
    Cami Manjarres Per. 2

  13. I think grammar is all well and good, but we waste too much time doing a crapton of tedious work. (u said "honesty" o.o)

  14. Period 1
    Sebastain Quintero

    Grammar Is important even thought it can be a bit tedious after a while. I know that most kids in school do not like grammar and do not see the benefit it will bring in the future. To be honest I do not really see it either but hopefully I will see it in the future.

  15. Brynn Furey- Period 4

    In my opinion, language arts is definitely one of our most vital classes. Grammar is really important to me, especially because my best friend, Kayleigh, is a total Grammar Nazi.I can't stand it when I'm on Facebook, and kids are typing like they don't even know how to speak English correctly. Kids in our generation could care less about grammar (for the most part). When you refer to your sentence formulas and all that good stuff, it's not that we don't CARE about grammar, we're just LAZY. None of us want to take the time to think about three things to figure out if they belong in "A, B, C noun" or "A, B, conj C". Of course, we have to do it anyway.

  16. Isabella Bishop-Period 3
    I think that when we talk to friends online or in person then grammar doesn't really matter. After all, we all are a bunch of teenagers right? However, when you go for your first job interview, grammar can make the difference of being hired or not. If you have proper grammar than overall you sound more professional and mature. In the future, people will think more highly of you if you use proper grammar because you sound (and hopefully are) smart and as if you've had an education. In the business world grammar can make a huge impact although maybe not as much in your personal life.

  17. Annika Ramnath-Period 5
    I would like people to continue using incorrect grammar so that Sydney and I can have things to laugh at.

  18. ummms, grammer is obvs not important. i mean i ahve a 2.5 gpa even tho i nvr do my hw for la class and it totes does not show. my mom even says i can be valedictrian (haha i suck at spelling) sometimes i just think our teachers make us right stuff out so that they can feel better abut not being as beutiful as me. their so annoying. whatevs, jersey shore is on and i wanna see if snookis baby bump is showing.

  19. Jacob C.- Period 3
    Grammar is not as important as people think it is. It is as overrated as Aaron Rodgers ( It really has almost no use in modern "vernacular" society. It helps to know basic grammar. One needs to know how to write and get by in life. Nobody wants to become another Jeff Spicoli or order a pizza in class (it may get stolen by the teacher). However, look at the facts. Read any three books. These three books cannot be written by the same author. I guarantee that the grammar will be different. The books will all be understood. Also, many successful figures did not finish college but were self invented. Mark Zuckerburg dropped out of school. Abraham Lincoln was self-educated. School should instead stop wasting time on "advanced concepts." Let people decide if they want to learn "advanced concepts." Separate the fit from the unfit. Also, make "common sense" classes. I simply don't know anybody with any common sense (that is my age). Develop work ethic. To put it into ohter terms, I believe that work ethic is more important than skills. Just look at Wes Welker's amazing carrer ( Even more, I think it is fair enough to say that a portion of skilled, intelligent, or popular people look down on those who actually have to work. I think that the hard worker should flourish over lazy people. That is the end of my grammar-related rant. DA BEARS!!!!

  20. Cristina Q period 2
    I think it is unimportant sometimes because now and then it's fun to just free write. It is very stressing and boring when u have to go back and erase things a million times because it is not grammatically correct. It is also unimportant because when u are texting to your friend, for example, you aren't going to write properly. This is because it either takes too long or you are just used to texting like that. Either way, its not like your frien is going to tell you "oh you spelled this wrong" or "you forgot a comma" because that is just how it is.

  21. Cristina Q period 2
    I think it is unimportant sometimes because now and then it's fun to just free write. It is very stressing and boring when u have to go back and erase things a million times because it is not grammatically correct. It is also unimportant because when u are texting to your friend, for example, you aren't going to write properly. This is because it either takes too long or you are just used to texting like that. Either way, its not like your frien is going to tell you "oh you spelled this wrong" or "you forgot a comma" because that is just how it is.


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