
Monday, December 6, 2010

Places For Aspiring Student Writers

I realize our core writing curriculum this year has focused on expository and persuasive writing. Remember that the concepts behind the lessons are a foundation which can be applied to all good writing. I also realize that most of you would rather write creatively, and I want you to explore this, too.  Further, you can and should use creative writing techniques to add voice to any of your writing!

One great site I have referred students to in the past is:  Merlyn's Pen . You can submit your writing to be reviewed by professional editors who will even provide feedback. You can also enter contests and become a published writer!

This weekend, I read this article in The New York Times (duh):   Web Site for Teenagers With Literary Leanings, so I checked out the newly launched site:  Figment: Write yourself in. I'm pretty impressed with the idea behind the site. It would be amazing to follow a few of you on the site.  If you decide to join, please let me know so that I can follow you.


  1. Very interesting.

    Even though I myself don't like to write songs, short stories, poems, etc. I know many people that do and would love to be published. The website itself is very cute and efficient.

    I found it so funny how they compared it to Facebook.

    It's an ingenious idea and hopefully the word will spread. Hey, who knows? One of us might really get published.

    -Diana Sanchez P.4

  2. I like the idea, but to be one of the editors you need to have a LOT of free time on your hands...

    I think tool would be useful for creating research projects (Science Fair Project?), writing essays (Pre-Writing LA Essays?), which is an awesome free tool that's almost as useful as e-mail.

    Of course, I didn't try it yet, but who knows? There's a lot of potential for this kind of idea, sort of like those websites where you ask a doctor a questions (sort of like Cha-Cha, where you text a question to 242 242 and they'll answer you back) and they'll respond to you. Overrall, I think it's pretty cool.

    -Rodolfo H. Period 4

  3. Having the opportunity for one's work to be published is pretty cool. I'm not exactly interested in writing but many other people are so Merlyn's Pen could help them become recognized, which is pretty cool.

    -Victoria Baram P.4

  4. I have to admit that if my work got published, that would be pretty cool. I would feel so special!!!(: I know many people love love love writing, but it isn't really my sort of thing. Many want to make this their career, but I just do not feel I have a future with writing. When they compared it to facebook, I even called my mom in the room in to read it. I thought it was pretty funny. Anyways, pretty cool article!

    Taylor Fellman P. 3

  5. That is really cool, I would like to get some of my work published. Not only would that make me feel important it would help if the work was edited. If real editors would actually look at my work and provide feedback, than my final products would be much more efficiant.
    Kevin Scott Period 5

  6. With modern day technology slowly ending the era of novels, it is nice to know that people are making beneficial additions online for writers everywhere. To know that someone would be as committed to help expand modern day, unknown writer's capabilities is just amazing. I personally am not the greatest writer in the world, but it would be fun to post some works online for others the help improve. I might try it out when I actually write a document I find worthy of posting (which might take forever). It looks like a website with a plethora of potential.

    Jake Ukleja Period 6

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is a good idea for those who enjoy writing in their own free time (definitely not me!). If you like writing, it would be cool to get feedback from someone whose career is writing. In addition, as Mira said, they don't know you, so it won't be biased.

    Yuval S.
    Period 3

  9. I can't stand creative writing. It confuses me and I don't understand how anybody can sit down and pen an entire novel (or what have you) without going insane, though some writer do eventually crack (Emily Dickinson for example). I do enjoy reading creative writing though, like how people enjoy watching movies but have no desire to become a director or go into to movie business. While I may read a whopping 0 on the hypothetical "Creativity-Meter", I do admire those who can actually put pen to parer and write a half-way decent story.

    Tyler Levinson
    Period 6

  10. I personally did not like Merlyn's Pen; I thought the stories it had in its library had the quality of an FCAT Reading passage. In other words, not very entertaining.

    However, I instantly loved Figment. The site's design draws people in and is way more interactive and modern than that of Merlyn's Pen. I also skimmed a few stories and decided that I liked them much more than the ones on Merlyn's.

    As for actually using the sites myself, I think I'll pass. I don't consider myself to be a great writer, but I would quickly like to praise two people who I think are amazing at writing. One would have to be my close friend, Lauren Goboff. She is one of the best writers I know. She let me read one of her stories once and I thought it was amazing considering she was in sixth grade. The other person is obviously the very talented, Rodolfo Higa. Rodolfo, I don't know if you'll read this comment of mine, but I remember the story that you shared with the class last year in Language Arts. Your story oozed imagery, and I personally thought it was superb.

    Also, if anyone on Team 806 posts a story on Figment, I would really like to read it and get to know the writing styles of some aspiring authors.

    ~Caterina Golner
    Period 2

  11. This was a very interesting and cool website. I think that to write songs, one must need to be extremely talented. I think that when I focus, my writing can be really good and funny. But, I don't think that i have the ability to write and publish a song. But i think it is cool that anyone can join and publish something.

    Meredith Sheldon

  12. I am a good writer, I think. I got a 6 on last year's final and always get 4s-6s on essays. But, I don't enjoy writing unless I have too.

    Ryan G p6

  13. Creative writing is important because it enhances your views on the subject writing. Creative writing will also help out your voice in writing.

  14. I found it really cool that there is such places where young writers can share their works of art :). I believe it is really important to keep literary arts close, as they are so influencial to many... I, for one, love reading... as for writing, I think I'll stick to doing my best in essays for school, and keeping the creative writing for myself :P.

    -Isabel Hofmann, Pd.4

  15. I found this article very interesting to read. I am not one who enjoys writing essays, poems, ect. Though its great that kids have a place where they can go and share their work with other kids.

    -Kayla Moodie Pd.3

  16. OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! I am a passionate writer, and this is just perfect for me. I just wish that I had more time to write. Thanks so much Mrs. Powers!!!! :D

    Christal Hector
    Period 3

  17. I personally don't write many stories or poems but a lot of my friends do and this would be great for them.
    -Aina Rivas pd.2

  18. I like that idea! The concept is strong, but like Rodolfo H. said, how much time do the editors have to read all the literature submitted. I have a few questions: how do they filter out the trash, how do they get the kids published, and how do they actually critique the essays and articles summited?
    If anyone could answer these questions it would be great to know. I know several kids that I know could use this website. Thank you Mrs. Powers!

    Camilo B.
    Period 3


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