
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An interesting quote

I came across this quote today, and I thought it related well to what you've been doing in class the last few weeks.

"When you collaborate with other people, you tend to regard your own individual contribution as the most important." 
                                       -Yang Jiang, Chinese writer and translator

This could provide some interesting discussion.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The PowersShuffle

What do you think The PowersShuffle is?


It's not a dance move or my iPod.

Mr. Bryant coined the phrase. *Update: Mr. Hammerman coined the phrase. Mr. Bryant simply uses it often. Well, as often as is necessary. I guess. *Update to the update: Mr. Bryant did coin the phrase. I was right the first time. I should always go with my gut.

First person to get it right, wins a prize.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Haiku Tribute to Jonas

Last year, a magnificent student began an email haiku extravaganza with me.  It was amazing. We wrote I don't know how many emails back and forth all written completely in haiku.  I love the creativity, love of words, and images in this idea.  In Jonas's honor, my next post is a haiku.

Lounging by the sea,
My mind wanders aimlessly.
Pure relaxation.

Post your own haiku.  Any topic. (No copycats like the top ten debacle.) Even respond to a haiku previously posted. (Cat, you are great at that.)

Can't wait to read them!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Places For Aspiring Student Writers

I realize our core writing curriculum this year has focused on expository and persuasive writing. Remember that the concepts behind the lessons are a foundation which can be applied to all good writing. I also realize that most of you would rather write creatively, and I want you to explore this, too.  Further, you can and should use creative writing techniques to add voice to any of your writing!

One great site I have referred students to in the past is:  Merlyn's Pen . You can submit your writing to be reviewed by professional editors who will even provide feedback. You can also enter contests and become a published writer!

This weekend, I read this article in The New York Times (duh):   Web Site for Teenagers With Literary Leanings, so I checked out the newly launched site:  Figment: Write yourself in. I'm pretty impressed with the idea behind the site. It would be amazing to follow a few of you on the site.  If you decide to join, please let me know so that I can follow you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Can't Play Scrabble

Facebook is down. Usually that wouldn't matter to me too much, but it means I can't play Scrabble.  *Sad* I don't have any papers to grade. *Happy* My kids are all too busy to play with me. *Bored*

It's official. I'm a Scrabble addict. I have known this for some time... just ask my previous students; they know it, too.  Every once in a while, I'm still shocked by this addiction although I guess it could be worse. This is a healthy addiction.  ;-) --- On a side note, "addiction" has such a negative connotation. Is there a word that means the same thing with a more positive connotation? I couldn't find one...

I found this article and thought I would share. It's old but still relevant to me. Meanwhile: Addicted to L-U-V

Do you have any healthy addictions?