
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Human Rights

I don't know how many of you are watching the human rights PSAs after morning announcements, but I am.  I am touched by most of them. Saddened that a PSA even has to be produced. Our world has come to a point where we have to remind each other that we all have rights simply because we are human.

Today's PSA:  Human Right #26 - The Right to Education.  (If you didn't see it, click the link.)


How many of you take your right to education for granted? How many of you are actually (deep down) excited to come to school each day in the hopes of learning something new? More importantly, do you take advantage of this right or are you throwing it away?


  1. I was saddened by that video, and I do sometimes take my education for granted. I can honestly say that I am a little excited to come to school each day hoping to learn something new. I can also quite honestly say that I don't always take advantage of this right.

  2. Like Daniel said, the PSA on the morning announcements had a pretty good impact on me. It reminded me that a lot of people aren't as lucky for us, we often take things, such as education, for granted. I take my education for granted sometimes, too, and I don't always come to school with the brightest attitude. However, after seeing this announcement, I have decided to really try and make the most of my education. I believe that school is important, and can actually be quite fun. Learning something new, especially with my friends and classmates, can be pretty exciting sometimes.

  3. Ryan Greenberg P6

    You are right, most of those PSA videos are very touching. Believe it or not, I took education for granted untill last night. I saw a 15 minute youtube video by iPwnstar4hire. He was talking about him dropping out of school at 17 and how it was his worst mistake ever. I recommend it but it does contain bad words and maybe some vulgar jokes. It was really touching though and I almost cried.

  4. I watch them in the mornings because I think they are pretty interesting. Also, I guess I'm taking my right to education granted since millions of kids, and adults, lack education and they probably would actually pay to go to school while we can go to school for free, but complain about the work. Plus, there are students that even skip classes or don't pay attention and don't even try. However, I'm only sometimes excited to come to school. Also, I hope I and everyone that is lucky that they can even go to school are taking advantage of this right.
    Maggie Meng P6

  5. Courtney E. pd. 3
    I'm really glad that the morning announcements is showing that video. It's really sad that some people in the world aren't able to get an education. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have the opportunity to go to school. Those videos are really inspiring, and it's only a reminder to me to take advantage of my education as much as possible and always do the best I can. Knowledge is a treasure, and people shouldn't take it for granted.

  6. Most people take their education for granted, not realizing that many people don't even get an education and how much it could help them in life. But I actually look forward to school (Sorry Mrs. Powers for starting the sentence with but). I'm pretty sure most students kind of enjoy school because teachers try to make their lessons entertaining. Even if you don't enjoy coming to school, you should appreciate that you have the opportunity because a lot of kids don't.

    Yuval S.
    Period 3

  7. If a friend tells me that school is pointless,and we are better off staying home and watching TV, on some days I agree. For the most part, I let my friend know that I love school and it gives us a better future. Without a proper education, where would we be? Sure, some people like Bill Gates made it without a college education, but what proof is there that everyone will? The clip really touched a nerve.Everyone on this planet has the right to an education and a successful future. Unfortunately, some kids don't get to use that right. So who are we to complain?
    Gabi Shim-Francis P5

  8. David Rutner pd. 6
    I guess it's true. You learn something new everyday. I mean everyday I come to school thinking it will be another boring day. Similar to the girl in the video who had been showing a new friend around school. And in the end I'm just like her again. Learning how fortunate I am to have these simple and basic privileges. The same thing has been occurring daily these past week and the one before break. For instance, I had no clue that one is automatically innocent at the start of any prosecution. These everyday rights, that run this country and hopefully eventually the world, are not known by the majority of a student population. Even Mrs. Stupp, my homeroom, claimed she didn't know this mornings video. I find it astonishing how my peers and I don't know about things that people in the army and government fight to keep every day.

  9. There are some days where I feel bored and take my education for granted. After watching this PSA video, I realize that we are all very fortunate to attend school and have a proper education. We are all so lucky and we don't realize it everyday. I think it is a great idea that they show these videos every morning. It really reminds students how lucky and fortunate they are compared to other people in the world, and how we should not only be aware, but try to fix it as well. Also, these videos are great because they teach such important life long lessons that we need to be reminded of. Back to the most recent PSA video, i feel that atleast once a day while we are in schoolwe think about how we are bored and the work is pointless, but then we think about how fortunate we are that we even get to come to school and learn and be educated, and the we realize that doing the work isn't so bad compared to some other places in the world.

    Meredith Sheldon
    Period 3

  10. The PSA's are a very good way of teaching us human rights because they catch our attention. A 13 year old kid would definitely rather watch a 30 second video than read a report on human rights. My 1st period class loves and dreads watching these videos. They are very touching but also very true.
    Max Brenner
    Period 6
    P.S That elementary school was AWEOMSE today. It was like a castle.

  11. Twelve comments that all say the same thing. That's sad, people.

    Okay, so I already knew that not all kids get the chance to have a proper education, and that some who do get the chance have to give it up to be able to work a job or other things of that nature. I'm pretty sure that most of you guys knew those things as well. Thankfully, there is some headway in this area as new human rights laws come into play and as wealthy countries and organizations decide to take an interest in third-world education.

    Now, anyone who knows me also knows that I absolutely LOVE school, (My dentist always seems surprised when tell her this.) and that I can be annoyingly cheery on a test day. Those people also know that I don't look kindly upon those who constantly complain about schools. I'm sorry, guys, but you don't get THAT much homework, and our teachers are pretty cool. Maybe the only reason that I like school is because I'm good at it, but I think there's something more. My favorite part of a school day is those couple of moments where you go, I get this now. I think that completely justifies me coming to school every day.

    Personally, this was my favorite PSA so far. (I love these videos.) The ones tied for second place are:
    1. Innocent Until Proven Guilty (the one where the girl thinks a guy stole her phone)
    2. Right to Democracy (where the little boy wants to talk in the room full of screaming people)

    Not to sidetrack from the original idea of this post, but when you guys comment, can you write what your favorite PSA video so far is at the end of the comment? I'm just interested as to what other videos everyone else liked.

    ~Caterina Golner (Period 2)

  12. I'm going to get right to the point, YOU CAN'T MISS WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE. I have always believed this and I always tell people this, like when a person says, "i don't know how people ever lived without coffee." Well obviously peopled did for thousands of years. This relates to the Education PSA because those orphaned babies in third world countries who can't have an education won't know the difference because no one around them ever did. I will admit that there are times when I really am grateful that I am receiving an education, but with so many problems that we have in our own country, I don't understand why everyone doesn't just take the time they would trying to make a couple of children in a third world, communist nation learn how to read and use it to make teir own country better.
    The Gates family gives money to hospitals in India so that babies will survive. Now at first that seems like a good idea, but in a country that is already dangerously over populated and struggling for food, how are the families supposed to take care of those babies. If I were that Gates I would spend the money on giving them birth control or food, not saving babies that the parents can't take care of.
    I realize that I've gonna off topic so I'm gonna close this up. While it is morally right that everyone receive an education, it is not just impracticale but impossible to do so.

    Tyler Levinson Period 6

  13. First of all: Cat, my favorite PSA so far was the one called, Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

    Anyway, this PSA made me so sad, because even though I complain about school every morning, and grumble about the tests and homework to my friends, I can't really imagine life WITHOUT school. Everyone, no matter where they live, deserves an education, because it will matter later on in life.

    Mira Merchant
    Period 3

  14. I must say that I was touched by the video and wish that I could see them on the announcements but NOO Mr. Loew won't let us. Still my point is that it is pretty hard to believe that so much of this is happening to our world. The American girl was totally like the average American and you can see how lucky all of us are to have such great education systems. I ame excited for school everyday, well maybe not Mondays. I really do like school though, SERIOUSLY, just ask Jake Ukleja.
    Kevin Scott Period 5

  15. People in America are definitly lucy to have great schools and nobody in this country should take this for granted.
    Allison Blake period three

  16. I actually do watch the videos after announcements, and most of them are very sad. This video in particular made me think about how good we have it because some people don't even get the chance to go to school. I feel like sometimes I take my opportunity to go to school for granted because I don't stop to think about the people who don't get an education. I probably should think about it more because kids all across the world could be wishing they could go to school, and all I do is dread waking up early. I also think that deep down I am excited to go to school for many reasons; friends, teachers, and the idea of gaining more knowledge that could be really interesting to me is something to look forward to.
    Kalie M.
    Period 2

  17. I do watch the videos after the morning shows, and sometimes I have to realize how lucky I am to not have to deal with all of these problems that many people in average life have to. Many people are often discriminated against and it is very sad that many children and adults have to constantly be bullied and pushed around by people who think that they are above all others and can treat everyone else poorly. Everyone does deserve an education and to feel comfortable in school no matter where they come from.

    Tyler Anne G.
    period 3

  18. @Pretty much everyone who commented
    You people don't read each other's comments, do you? If you did, you would have realized that you all wrote pretty much the exact same thing as each other.

    Caterina Golner
    Period 2

  19. I guess I do sometimes take my education for granted. And yes, I do learn new things everyday, and I know everything I learn i will use later in can only help me! Sometimes I do forget how fortunate and lucky I am to have the right to be educated. These kind of videos teach students like myself lessons everyday, that are like life long lessons. I guess the next time while I sit in school and say to myself, "Can this work be any more pointless," and 'Could I get any less bored" I will think about people less fortunate than me. This video reminded me of how lucky I really am, and to always think of the less fortunate than me.

    Taylor Fellman
    P. 3

  20. Many students take their education for granted. However, once people think about what life would be like without school, people would be lost. I often don't think about school as being amazing or a great place, but it really holds the key to our futures. People in other countries just don't have the opportunities that we do.

    Nicki Capella

  21. Many of us take our education for granted. We are all so lucky to live in a country where free, public education had such high standards. In Chile, for example, good education is only found in private schools. I remember when I came here, I was really scared to attend a public school, having come from a country in which public schools (unfortunately) do not provide good educations. As a matter of fact, I saw in statistics on the news that on the HUGE final test to get into college, the comparison of scores was 92% to something around 39%.

    That's why it is really imortant to constantly remind ourselves of what we have at the tip of our fingers.

    Sorry, I was really touched :'(

    -Isabel Hofmann, Pd. 4

  22. I agree. The PSAs that they play are really inspiring and touching. Many people (including me) take advantage of things like going to school every day. I am really lucky and thankful that I go to such a great school while others have poor school systems and little to no education. Deep down I actually am a little excited going to school each day. (:

    -Samantha G Period 5

  23. I have been watching the videos on the announcements recently. I remember this one especially. Human Right # 26: the right to education. This is very important. "Education is the key to success," Solomon Ortiz once said. I am so fortunate to be able to get a proper education. Everyone deserves the right to have an education no matter where they are from.

    -Kayla Moodie Pd.3

  24. I do take my education for granted sometimes. Some days I just feel like staying home and not going to school. However, the children in third world counties probably don't even have a school near them and they want to go to school so much but they can't. That makes me sad that they don't have a choice to go to school because there isn't even a school. Right now I could say the names of a least 10 schools in my area. We have so many opportunities in this country that we take for granted. I'm definitely going to keep in mind how lucky I am from now on.
    Emily L. Period 3

  25. I like the PSA morning announcements because they give examples of some of the things going on everyday that we might not even think of. For example, the Human Rights video about the kid that didn't get the right amount of money than what he was supposed to be paid. People like his boss take advantage of people like that all the time.
    I think that everyone takes their education for granted. I mean, when I wake up in the morning I don't think about how lucky I am to go to school... I never do. It also makes you wonder why people even have to right out that we have the right to education. Shouldn't we all just get the chance automatically?

  26. I do watch the PSA's every morning and they are very sad, this one especially. I do take my right to education for granted and I forget how so many others may not get the chance to have an education. It isn't fair. No matter where someone is from, they should be able to go to school and learn like we do.

    Noa S.
    Period 5

  27. This is so true! Every single one of those PSA commercials constantly touches me every morning. Especially knowing that most children don't have the same opportunities we do, and yet we complain about them. Usually many students do take these rights for granted, including me sometimes. Every morning its a struggle to stay positive about going to school, but usually once I'm in school I kind of do enjoy it.

    Andrea N. Period 1

  28. Personally, I love coming to school. Knowledge is like my best friend. I just love being aroung her/him/it. I believe that I am taking advantage of this right, and I plan to use it as a foundation to succeed in life, and to help others. Btw, @Cat, people in general aren't very creative. They just like to elaborate on and copy what others say. it makes them feel like "part of the group." That is why I like it when Mrs. Powers waits a while before voicing her opinion. It kind of annoys me when students copy each other, but it is even more aggrivating when they copy the teacher, hoping that it will make them look good. I had this teacher in elementary school who didn't like me, and whenever she said something the goodie-two-shoes children would agree with her(even when it was against me and they knew it wasn't true). Sometimes I wish that people would stop relying on other people's brains and use their own. (Sorry that this last part had nothing to do with the PSA):(

    Christal Hector
    Period 3

  29. Hi Mrs. Powers,
    I would like to think that I don't take my education for granted, but like many others, I do. While many morning I am not so happy to get up and go to school, if I wasn't going to school, what would my life turn into. My future wouldn't be nearly as good as it is going to be since I am attending school and doing well. Also, like many other students, school stresses me out. I just have to remember that my hard work will all pay since I AM learning a lot in the process.

    Lauren White
    Period 5

  30. Okay so I know we all HATE school with a burning passion and homework is our arch enemy, but I am grateful (within reason) for school because not that many kids in the world even go to one. I honestly don't know what I would do without an education. I wouldn't get a job that actually pays money, I wouldn't have a family, and I wouldn't have a house. I mean I don't want to be some cashier at McDonalds or not even have a job and be some person with a sign on a highway asking for money. I have to admit, however, I do take my education for granted sometimes and there are people out there who dream about going to school. I dread the days I come to school and I can't wait for the final bell to ring so I can get out of there. I am truly grateful for school. It's sad to see that even though it is our human right that not everyone has the luxury of fulfilling it. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop hating school, but I will appreciate a whole lot more than I already do.

    Stephanie Mahadeo
    Period 3

  31. These 30 seconds actually taught me something valuable. I never really took a moment to think about the children who don't go to school. So many of us say, "School is so boring. Why do we need to go through this torture? I could be doing something much more worthy than this." The truth is that many of us didn't say this in elementary school. We actually learned as opposed to other kids around the world. Now we take so many things for granted and don't ever realize how fortunate we are. This has now helped me to appreciate school more and think about what I have compared to what I don't, because what I have may be something others dream of having.

    Neha A.
    Period 1

  32. Every morning after watching the PSA's, I am very touched by the lessons taught. Knowing that people in the world go through different problems each day is very sad. I am very fortunate to live in a community with a working school system and a nice family environment. Not many people have these privileges. Although I knew that not that many people in the world have as many privileges as we do before the video, it still helped gain a different perspective on struggles.

    Meredith K.
    Period 2

  33. I always watch the videos after the morning announcements. The videos always make me think about how good my life really is. I guess I never really realized how lucky I am to be able to go to school and get an education. I always complain about tests and homework, but I really should be thankful because other kids don't have the privilege of going to school.

    amanda sadowski period 3

  34. Unfortunately, My teacher hasn't ever presented morning announcements to us this entire year. Fortunately, after reading some of the interesting comments I decided to look up some Information on Human Rights PSAs. I couldn't believe that so many children don't attend school around the world, and I agree with most people above that we do take what we have for granted way too often. The sad truth is is even with all this happening, the world just keeps on turning. I know that my eyes are open to a different light and I will now be more thankful of our school systems and every moment I spend learning with my peers.

    Isabelle Barresi

  35. @Christal
    Right on, girlfriend!


    I see that the masses have started to post as the end of the quarter approaches. Honestly, I hope you newcomers don't get the credit.

    Not so happily yours,
    Caterina Golner
    Period 2

  36. I like the PSA's that they show on the morning announcement even tough I don't always get to see them. It is really socking to know that some people don't get the privilege of going to school most people in the united states take for granted going to school and getting an education and we don't realize that there are people that have been waiting their whole lives just to learn how to read or do math.
    -Aina Rivas pd.2

  37. After reading, it made me feel really grateful for being able to have a life like this. Some kids can't even go to school and we complain about it.No matter where someone lives, they should have the right to go to school and learn like the rest of us.

    Emily Knapik p.5


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