
Thursday, June 2, 2011

EOY - Feedback

Here is an opportunity to give me feedback (constructive criticism). What would you change about this year? How can I improve?


  1. LA-2 Dylan L
    I think that you did as good of a job as you possibly could. I learned a lot this year from a lot of different topics. The only thing I could change if I could is learning straight out of the textbook. Overall, you did a great job teaching this year.

  2. I felt like it took you a while to warm up to us. Like, I was so pepped (God, I hate this word, but it's the only one that fits the best.) up during the open house, and then I felt like I only truly got to know you around third quarter.

    Besides that, I think that it's pretty cool that you use so much technology in the class. Oh, and you know that I LOVE the blog.

    Personally, I didn't really like the essays, but then again, who does?

  3. @Cat - It's funny that you mention that. Historically, I'm more strict first half of the year. It's all business, but I felt that it took a while to warm up this year, too. Usually, even though I'm strict, I still feel a connection. Anyway, I'm glad that "vibe" changed.

  4. Ines Acosta, period 5
    I LOVE the way you teach grammar, you're honestly the only teacher that has been able to get to me in all eight years of school. However, I do think that you shouldn't have assigned so many projects at the end of the school year.
    I'm gonna miss you next year! (and the occasional coffee scent)

  5. I felt the same way, Cat! You sent the best emails to us, Mrs. Powers, but in class you seemed a little.... removed? That's not really the right word, but you know what I mean. However, I so enjoyed your class! I've always been a LA girl, but this year was one of my favorites!

  6. The grammar and writing were probably the two aspects that you should never change. I am probably not the best at grammar or writing, but this has been the one year that I actually felt that I learned something that would stick. I truly am glad we avoided the textbooks other than a few times. Those monstrous books are just giant paperweights that rarely analyze. The novels are always great to read, but the variety of genres (even though it was three books) helps to find even a kid like me a book I can be interested in. I was so happy with the google docs because I hate maintaining all those assignments in my folder. Google docs made it easier to work and managing my assignments. We NEVER played scrabble! Bianka told me one of the best aspects of the year was pulling out the scrabble boards laying down those tiles. Other than that, the year was fine and one of my favorite years.

  7. I loved the fact that in almost every assignment you found a way to incorporate technology. I wish we had more projects in the beginning though because I feel it would help warm us up to each other and to you. Other than that I had an awesome time and I definitely going to miss you!!!
    Morgan K. Period 2

  8. I think you did a fantastic job as a teacher this year, even though I was out of class many days I still learned a lot. But I think for next year you should exempt the kids that went to D.C for work that the class did when they were gone.

  9. @Michael - I did exempt the students who went to DC from the classwork. However, we were in the middle of reading a play, and you couldn't simply "skip" the act you missed.

  10. Honestly, I have to say that I can't really think of anything that you could've done better. I know this may sound slightly cheesy, but your class was great the way it was!

    The only thing I really disliked were those Interactive Reader books, but we only worked in those a couple of times, so it didn't really matter. I also didn't really like Star Wars too much (I'm not a sci-fi person at all, haha), but it was bearable.

    Like a bunch of others above me mentioned: I really like how you incorporated technology, like the Promethean board and online Quia assessments. The blog was pretty awesome, too!

    Like Lauren, I've always been an LA girl (can't stand Math/Science!), and this year was definitely the best for me. I can't wait to come back and volunteer in your debate class next year!!!

    Mira Merchant
    Period 3

    P.S. I have a completely random question now: how exactly do you continue the blog from each year to the next? Will you just delete all our posts from this year?


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